March 28, 2025

Tagged by the Bohemian Road Nurse, and having nothing else to say, I’ll play along with the meme, “Admit eight things about yourself”.

  1. I’m not nearly as nice, or collected, as is portrayed on the blog. I’m able to filter my life through the keyboard. I am occasionally very pleasant, am usually at least sociable, but have my moments I’m not too proud of.
  2. “I have No Physical Talents: That’s why I went to medical school”. Well, the lack of physical talents is correct, but, that’s not why I went to med school, it’s just an amusing thing I say. I do have good reflexes and don’t mind strenous activities, but sportsman or athlete will never be my appellation.
  3. I went to medical school because I didn’t want to get a real job, not because of any single high-minded ideal. Oh, I’ve grown into it, but it wasn’t any desire to ‘help people’ or anything goofy like that. (I think that if your motivation for medical school is “I want to help people” you just haven’t met enough of them. I told interviewers I wanted a profession, something that would keep my mind sharp, and challenge me.)
  4. I know the tunes to about 1,000 songs, and the words to about 30. Band-kid problem; you don’t need lyrics in the band.
  5. I don’t want an iPod. I know this makes me one of about 20 people on earth who have no desire to add a soundtrack to my life, but frankly I don’t see the point. I’ve bought them for relatives, and played with them, but it’s nothing I’m interested in.
  6. TV medicine gives me hives. The only show I can watch is Scrubs, mostly because it’s a sitcom set in a hospital, not due to its medical content. And I laugh out loud. (There’s a cut-out here for the first year or two of ER, when I was a doc for the USMC, wanting nothing more than to be an EM resident. I watched a lot of it, yelled at the TV when they got things wrong, and enjoyed it).
  7. I’m big on personal/family security. Because of that, nothing else will be said. (I think this has to do with SomeDude, and my real job in the ED).
  8. I generally consider these memes dull, contrived reasons to fill a blog. So, I’ll not pass this one on. (I break chain-letters, too).

So, now you know a little more about me. Sorry ’bout that.

9 thoughts on “Eight Things About Me

  1. What? No Ipod? (LOL) Actually, the only reason I got one myself was that my Jeep’s radio broke and I didn’t have the time to drive over an hour to a town that’s big enough to have a Best Buy or Circuit City where I could buy another one (and then wait to have it installed.) So I drive around with an Ipod on. And now I prefer Ipod music cuz there’s no commercials!

  2. I am one of the twenty you speak of regarding Ipods. I have no desire. I’ve never touched one and to the youngins’ surprise, I have managed to continue breathing.

  3. totally agree with your #3 and #8. oh, and i’m probably the 21st person on the planet with no iPod. i’ve given them as gifts also, though i think it makes you less sensitive to sound after some time. *lol*

  4. Heh… I started drinking the Ipod koolaid last spring when I discovered their “shuffle” model. It’s about the side of a book of matches, holds a gig of music, and is the greatest thing for runners since the shoe.

    Like it… gotta say I’m a fan. I have no use for their other models, however.

  5. “I think that if your motivation for medical school is ‘I want to help people’ you just haven’t met enough of them.”

    Truer words were never spoken. LOL

    I don’t have an ipod either, I do have a cheap knock-off sitting in drawer, gathering dust.

  6. I have an Ipod shuffle, and it’s the greatest thing for bike riding since padded shorts. It’s so small it weighs next to nothing, clips on my shirt and it hold a bazillion songs. OK I made up the bazillion but it does hold a lot.

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