March 28, 2025

Riding today, I was about 8 miles in, and I was loafing, enjoying the scenery. Then I got passed by a mountain bike. A mountain bike.

So, I did what any modestly competitive skinny-tire cyclist would, I let him get out about 100 yards, then turned it up. As I’d get close he’d look back, see me, and stand up in the pedals to pull out another lead. We were going upwind (slightly), and so I’d just slowly reel him back in, and he’d power away again. (I should mention here that I’m not a terrific cyclist, but the relative advantage of a skinny-tire bike on smooth pavement is big, and I wasn’t having to work nearly as hard as my mountain-bike rabbit).

That lasted for about 3 miles, then reality set in, I drafted for a while, and thanked him for the nice tow as I panted by.

And, it did me a lot of good. I ride solo, and had been stuck at one narrow range of average MPH on this ride; thanks to the challenge, I went more than a full MPH faster for the course, which is a big step (and it tells me I’ve been slacking).

Thanks to you, enthusiastic mountain-biker!

Oh, and Gunner 1 (Link now fixed).

3 thoughts on “Gunner, 2

  1. Riding in a group really is much more fun than riding solo….unfortunately, it’s not nearly as convenient >).

  2. I gave p my skinny tire bike years ago, after a particularly nasty crash caused by gravel. Don’t miss it. Don’t miss the cars and rude drivers especially. But, I honestly can’t say I have ever passed a skinny tire bike rider!

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