March 28, 2025

From Medscape:

July 5, 2007 — The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement identifying the best approaches for pediatric primary care providers to provide emergency care for pediatric patients. The statement, which notes that pediatricians and other pediatric primary care providers are critically important members of the pediatric emergency care team, is published in the July issue of Pediatrics.

Okay, no problems there.

“High-quality pediatric emergency care can be provided only through the collaborative efforts of many health care professionals and child advocates working together throughout a continuum of care that extends from prevention and the medical home to prehospital care, to emergency department stabilization, to critical care and rehabilitation, and finally to a return to care in the medical home,” write chairperson Steven Krug, MD, and colleagues from the Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine. …

Wow, cliche-inclusiveness run amok.  I’d just point out that ‘prevention’ isn’t part of Emergency Care, and that the concept of the ‘medical home’ gives me the willies.  The rest of the article is actually pretty good.

Aaah, Flea.  It’s times like this I miss your ED hatin’ ways.

7 thoughts on “Where’s Flea when you need him: New Statement Issued for Emergency Care by Pediatric Primary Care Providers

  1. I totally don’t understand what that means. This was all written by people who work in the carpeted section.

  2. I think it means an exciting paradigm shift and vision statement manifested by a strategic alignment of thought leaders enhanced by discarding old memes and empowerment of the pediatric ED team.

  3. Another position statement from the “starch group”. You know the ones with the starched white coats that live in the carpeted area and make our life miserable.

  4. I warmly invite any pediatrician to come in to see our mutual patient at 3 am and explain to mom why her screaming toddler doesn’t need antibiotics for his ear infection. Be sure to write a note on the chart before you leave though.

  5. What the f*ck is a “medical home???”

    Man, this stuff gives me a colossal headache.

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