March 28, 2025

Medgadget’s Sci-Fi Writing Contest: Return of the Prose

Welcome to the second annual Medgadget’s Sci-Fi Writing Contest! Those of you old enough to remember our last year’s competition, will recall the excitement, the competitive gallantry, and the results: an amazing set of stories that looked at the past and saw the future of medicine. We saw the world free of chronic diseases, and we witnessed medicine being practiced on planets many light-years away. Let us see the future of medicine again!

Just like last year, here are the rules:

So, go on over and have a look at the rules, and write like crazy. They’re offering a free iPhone for First Place.

Yrs. Trly. returns as a judge. (Yes, it’s ironic that someone with my writing style gets to be a judge of prose. It makes me chuckle, in fact).