February 22, 2025

Addicted to Medblogs: Request for Match Day Stories

Proto magazine is looking for short, exciting Match Day stories from doctors who participated last year or just remember like it was yesterday. How were you affected by the tension of the moment? Did you faint with relief (or disappointment) upon opening your envelope? Did another student’s reaction catch your eye and make you think?If you didn’t match, were you lost in “the scramble?”

Please send your stories to Carrie Jones at carrie_jones @ timeinc.com and include your full name and contact information with your submission. If we like your story, we may need to contact you for a brief follow-up. If you’d rather remain anonymous, we can withhold your name for publication.


I ripped of her whole post, but mainly because a) it’s a good cause and b) she mentioned me and some obscure blogger.

My Match Day story is a super-denouement, and is 14 years old, so I’ll not be adding it. For now.