March 28, 2025

Sex and doctors: ER medics best placed to win hearts on Yahoo! News
Sex and doctors: ER medics best placed to win heartsThu Oct 25, 7:06 PM ET

If romantic fiction is any guide, any doctor looking for love would be advised to be an emergency room surgeon or deliver babies rather than practise colon resection or remove in-grown toenails.

So says Irish physician Brendan Kelly, who — with a bravura contempt for the effect this endeavour could have on his mind — has probed at length into the burgeoning literary field of medical romance.

In an offbeat letter published in Saturday’s Lancet, Kelly describes the typical plot structure and characterisation in 20 randomly-selected medical romance novels.

Of the male protagonists, six worked in emergency medicine, five in surgery and three in obstetrics, neonatology and paediatrics, he found.

There was a marked preponderance of brilliant, tall, muscular, male doctors with chiselled features, working in emergency medicine,” says Kelly, a University College Dublin psychiatrist.

Well, okay, the rest of the description doesn’t exactly fit yrs. trly, but the rest is dead-on, IMHO.

8 thoughts on “Yahoo News: Sex and doctors: ER medics best placed to win hearts

  1. Unfortunately 5 of the 6 ER docs didn’t have time for a compete relationship and turfed the female protagonist to the internist on call.

  2. I personally have not met any of these thusly described doctors at shift change. They must be quite common since popular culture (television, movies, romance books, etc.) are filled with them. I wonder where they are hiding.

  3. I can’t help but laugh at this… cause don’t we all know that those of us in the Emergency world (EMT’s, nurses, docs, Firefighters, cops) are known for our great track records when it comes to relationships!

  4. What Jen says is true about relationships in these jobs. I think it must be the hours, availability and stresses that lead to the infidelities, etc. There are exceptions. The 1st ER Doc group I worked with…only one out of the entire group was faithful to his wife. But it’s not just limited to ER, etc. because lab, radiology, respiratory and maintenance, registration all had their dalliances. Maybe I shouldn’t have said this. We’ve had some really good looking docs in the ER and they draw women in like moths to flame. ER staff is a lot of fun. When it’s crazy -work really hard and when its slow-their crazy! ;)

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