March 28, 2025

To all who have served, and the family and loved ones who did what it took to make that service happen, Thank You.


I’ll remind readers that the Soldiers’ Angels Project Valour-IT is still taking donations, here; for project information, here.  My USMC team is in a solid second place, but a) way short of the goal, and b) behind Army?  Any donation is appreciated.


Last year Google took a beating for not having a special graphic for Veteran’s day.  They have fixed that, and have done well:

Veterans Day

Happy Veteran’s Day!

1 thought on “Happy Veterans Day

  1. Grunt Dpc–

    My mother was a Teufelhunden incarnate on school mornings when she tried to get twelve kids out of their bunks and on to the school bus. Mum was WW2 USMC/WR, and my Dad’s brother was a career Marine: started at the Guadalcanal landing on August 7, 1942. He survived five hellish months of starvation, and later commanded the Marine detachment on the USS Astoria (“The Mighty Ninety”), named for one of the ships blasted into Iron Bottom Sound. Fought the entire Pacific campaign, did two winters in Korea, and subsequently had a distinguished career. Thus, my donation is for Mary Louise O’Hearn Armitage and Gerard Thomas Armitage: hope they live to be 100. Grunt Doc, keep those exhortations going!

    Anne Armitage

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