March 28, 2025

10 thoughts on “An engineer’s guide to cats

  1. oh-kay. You have baffled me, GD.

    How did you get George Clooney to perform in a cat-appreciation video? Uh, tuna is extremely un-PC, check out the newest Richard Ellis… Corporal cuddling? That was sweet and cute. My kitties were amused. I am battered. You are steering us to the ER??

  2. do you have a cat? we have 4? my hubby is a computer geek and loved this when he showed me it over the past weekend. when i saw it, i found it dry and boring. i am baffled that it made in on your blog. maybe my funny bone is terminal or sickie icky? it does has it’s momments. i like the eye thing with cat, then in the store with the girl. LOLOLOL

  3. Absolutely hilarious! I have both dog and cat, although my dog is 14 and on his way out of this world. I must say, the cat is so much more company than the dog. Perhaps this is because the cat is much easier to torment as in corporal cuddling. He also likes to dance and does the best tribble imitation I have ever heard.

  4. Clever video. I often wonder who came up with the nonsense that men don’t like cats. My cat and I are happily ignoring each other right now. :)

  5. They must not have reached the “Picky Food” stage of an 18 year old Cleopatra – yes, we grind up her Fancy Feast with a 1940’s food grinder. This only minimizes the yeowling when her hunger strikes – she stands outside the bedroom door at 4AM until the food bowl is cleaned and refilled. hmmmmmmm. Once again, the feline rules. We named her right.

  6. Very cute! I have a kitty – but she’s a dog trapped in a cat’s body. She loves strangers, always greets me at the door, plays fetch, and will eat ANYTHING – asparagus, strawberries, pizza, cake… You could vacuum 1/3 of her fur out of my laptop keyboard. :)

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