March 3, 2025

In the email:

I know the ED you usually talk about is the emergency department and not the other kind but in February, I reached out to you Men's Healthto introduce (, a website that offers men who are affected by Peyronie’s disease, both, information and support. Since the launch, it has been so exciting to watch the forum grow into a place for anonymous discussion; people speak openly about their experiences with the disease as well as pose questions that can be answered by physicians.

To keep that conversation going, the site is hosting a live chat on April 16th at 7 pm (EST) with Dr. Culley Carson – an urologist who specializes in the treatment of Peyronie’s. This is a great opportunity for people to have their questions about the disease and its treatment options addressed by an expert in the field, so I would love for you to share this event with your readers.

On the homepage, you will see “Participate in the chat on April 16”; you and your readers are more than welcome to learn more about Dr. Carson or submit comments here ahead of time if you can’t make it and have questions you would like answered during the chat.

If it interests you, tune in!

1 thought on “Men’s Health Talks Peyronies’ Disease

  1. Okay, you are teasing librarians?

    All over the country, we are plagued by a youngish man who breathtakingly asks for a description of Peyronie’s. No joke. It is just annoying.

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