March 28, 2025

So, here’s what happened, as a follow up to the initial post:

Mere Rhetoric: TSA’s Idiotic Pilot Handgun Regulations Kept Classified, End With Accidental Firing On Flying Plane
…On March 22, pilot James Langenhahn was stowing his Heckler & Koch USP .40, issued to him by the Department of Homeland Security… while his co-pilot prepared to land the plane. As he was placing the pistol… it discharged a single shot which exited the left side of the plane, doing little damage… Some pilots say it was an accident waiting to happen.

Seems like an accident waiting to happen to me, too. Read the post for insight as to why this happened, and will probably happen again.

1 thought on “Mere Rhetoric: TSA’s Idiotic Pilot Handgun Regulations Kept Classified, End With Accidental Firing On Flying Plane

  1. “it discharged a single shot which exited the left side of the plane, doing little damage”

    So much for my belief they were using non-penetrating Glaser Safety Slugs. Heck, to “exit ” the side almost makes me think FMJ or ball.

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