March 31, 2025

The entire article is short, and there’s a lot of interesting information in there, but I just wanted to highlight the following bits (all emphasis added):

Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.
Twenty-nine percent (29%) of American adults favor a national health insurance program overseen by the Federal Government. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 39% oppose such a government-led initiative while 31% are not sure.

The survey also found that 46% believe the quality of care would decrease under a national health insurance program while 16% believe that quality would increase. Twenty percent (20%) say the quality of care would remain about the same while 18% are not sure.

At the same time, 42% believe the cost of health care would increase while 25% would expect prices to go down.

If I’m reading this correctly (and I’m willing to concede I might not be) though 29% of those polled want a national healthcare plan at the same time only 16% believe the quality would increase.  Granted those don’t have to be the same poll respondents, but you’d think that if we’re to embark down an untried road those in favor of it would be hoping for better care quality.  Odd.

While opposing a national program overseen by the federal government, Americans support requiring companies to provide health insurance for their employees. Sixty-three percent (63%) favor such a requirement while 24% are opposed.

Nearly everyone I’ve listened to thoughtfully about healthcare financing (and the economy) say we need to divorce employment from insurance, yet 63% want to keep the current employer-based system.  I’d like to see some more information about that preference; is it fear of the unknown, or is it a lack of understanding that employer provided healthcare isn’t free to the recipient?

An earlier survey found that just 31% rate the U.S. health care system as good or excellent.

At the same time, people give much higher reviews to their own health care coverage.

This is odd to me, and the best explanation I can come up with is that virtually all the news about healthcare is negative, so even though those polled said their individual care was good or excellent, they think they must be lucky, because all the news says US healthcare is going badly, so it must be bad overall.

There’s not a big groundswell for socialized medicine.  Yet.

6 thoughts on “Rasmussen Reports™: Poll on health care coverage

  1. “This is odd to me, and the best explanation I can come up with is that virtually all the news about healthcare is negative, so even though those polled said their individual care was good or excellent, they think they must be lucky, because all the news says US healthcare is going badly, so it must be bad overall.”

    You see the same thing with the economy. I just saw a survey the other day where something like 90% of people thought the US economy was in the toilet, but 80% said they personally were doing well. Interesting…I think you’re right. The media says it’s so, so everyone believes it, even when it’s not true for them (or more likely anyone they know).

  2. Socialized medicine as an idea scares me to death…mostly because I’m afraid it would end up like Medicare. I do like the idea of my insurance not being tied to my employer (even though my employer’s plan is great); I would rather have the money in my pocket, buy a catastrophic care plan and save the difference to pay for preventive healthcare. I’m a big believer in the free market and that costs will come down when and only when the actual consumer (the patient) has to foot the whole bill.

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