March 28, 2025

CNN has used this graphic before, and though it bugged me, I let it go.  Since I have a blog and nothing to say, I’ll point it out so it’ll bug you, too.

This graphc:
reverse Lead II

The EKG tracing in the photo is backward (meaning it reads incorrectly from left to right, which is the convention).  There’s nothing particularly interesting about it, but it’s backward, and it gets my (unpleasant) attention every time.

So, CNN, I’ll be glad to review your medical graphics, for an entirely reasonable fee. Or get someone else to do it, but please do so.

10 thoughts on “Another thing I find amusing

  1. Hah, you just missed the atrial enlargement, delta wave and hypokalemia. CNN would never make a mistake.

  2. I took the quiz and got 7 out of 7 which I’m sure will be a relief to my patients. Maybe I’ll put it in my yellow pages ad.

  3. Know what ya mean Verne, I can’t stand that backwards Chext X ray JD hangs up during the opening of Scrubs. But I think thats a pic of some one with 3rd degree Heart Block. Any A-rabs out there? Do you run EKGS left to right? I’ve been to Israel but they do it like us>

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