March 28, 2025

7 thoughts on “Sign of the Day

  1. Well, it’s CORRECT, at least. It could have been D2O or T2O water at a nuclear facility, in which case, it probably would have been best to leave it alone. ;)

  2. That’s better than the “H2O2 water,” which has a nasty aftertaste and turns your hair a funny color.

  3. Ah… sorry. Coleridge was an 18th century English poet, and the “H20 water” sign seemed to me redundant (“water water”)… but it brought to mind a couple of stanzas from the Rime of the Ancient Mariner: (his most famous work, other than Kubla Khan)

    “Water water everywhere, And all the boards did shrink
    Water water everywhere, Nor any drop to drink”

    I know. Pretty obscure… but that’s what your picture brought to mind.

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