March 28, 2025

3 thoughts on “DB’s Medical Rants » I love the Wal-mart program

  1. Walmart may have been the first to have the $4 generic program but they certainly are not the only ones now. Target, Shopko, Fred Meyer and I believe Rite-Aid all do here in Oregon. Other pharmacies in other parts of the country I am sure do also. Not to mention I know that other pharmacies such as Bi-Mart and many of the small local pharmacies will price match. So I see no reason to sing the praises of Walmart.

  2. Who was first? Do you think any of the others you mentioned would be doing this if they hadn’t been forced to by the WalMart competition?

    As DB says, if you don’t like WalMart, say so, but don’t disregard what they’ve done for people filling generic prescriptions (I refer lots of patients there or to Target, which was quick to try to match WalMart).

  3. I feel many are miss informed about Wal Mart. While the largest discount retailer in the country, their pay scales and business practices mirror those of others in the industry. Wal Mart, like others in this industry, does not claim to be a main source of income for a family, and they do offer opportunities to participate in their insurance plans.

    I have no connection to Wal Mart as an investor or employee, nor does any of my family currently work for Wal Mart. My two nieces did work there during their college years.

    I am reminded that Michael Moore feels Cuba offers better medical care than we have in the US.

    Steve Lucas

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