March 28, 2025

Medical blogs for doctors and patients alike – Los Angeles Times

Here’s a roundup of some of the best-known medblogs. Go to the sites, however, and these doctors might introduce you to even more.

Incredibly flatering to be included in this list of excellent medical bloggers (there are more out there, but this is a good starting list).

For the record, I have never been a Marine Infantryman; I was a Navy doctor assigned to the USMC, and was very proud to serve with the green side.  I identify with the USMC more than the Navy (probably ‘gone native’).

1 thought on “Medical blogs for doctors and patients alike – Los Angeles Times

  1. Hi GruntDoc! Congratulations on being mentioned. I was mentioned too, but like you, there’s an obvious glaring errors in my blurb. For the record, I have no idea about the Omaha pathologist and Harlem med student who are supposedly my “partners” on blogborygmi…

    Still, I feel grateful to have been cited, especially since I don’t blog too much anymore. Hopefully some readers will check out the archives from my glory days… in 2004.

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