March 28, 2025

| NFL |
Refs will wear pink

During October, NFL officials will wear a pink ribbon patch and a pink bracelet to honor National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

It’s the second consecutive year the NFL Referee Association has partnered with Dallas-based Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The partnership will be formally announced Sunday at Texas Stadium before the Cowboys’ game against Washington. NFLRA officials will present a check to Komen representatives.

That’s kinda nice.  They were wearing them for the Monday Night game (on September 29), so I wonder if that crew got the memo.

4 thoughts on “NFL |

  1. YUCK…. I have had treatment for bc and I know that I am not alone when I say “I HATE PINK.”

    It has gotten out of hand. Breast cancer is a disease ladies and gentlemen, not a merchandising opportunity.

    Curious – where exactly does Komen spend the money?

  2. I have had several uninsured patients who were able to get a mammogram at no cost through the Susan G Komen organization, so while I don’t know what they do with ALL the money they do seem to do some good things with it.

    Having said that, from a selfish standpoint I wish they’d stay away from the NFL. Ed Hochuli wearing a pink bracelet? Please God no.

  3. If you would like to support Susan G Komen for the Cure, send a text message to help fight Breast Cancer. mGive (text) ‘KOMEN’ to 90999 to donate $5! Spread the word!

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