February 22, 2025

There is some gender disorder elsewhere in the medblogosphere, but not here:


More than 83% actually, but given the horrible returns of some bloggers, I won’t make a big deal of it.

via Scalpel

5 thoughts on “Blogs and gender

  1. Heh…. maybe I need some of those cat pics from Scapel’s site. Mine said “We think http://survivethejourney.blogspot.com was written by a man(69%).” Humph…

    I have another blog for work, and it said “written by a man(97%)”. It’s all technology, programming, and web2.0 stuff. I guess the analysts who wrote the analyzer think that’s a “man thang”.

    And I guess the feminists would think that’s ok?

    Thanks for sharing…

  2. Yep, they’re pretty sure (79%) that I’m a man. Of course, they’re wrong almost 50% of the time (according to readers). Maybe their algorithm is “flip a coin?”

    I’m going to put on some make up now.

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