March 28, 2025

I was distracted before the election, and didn’t post my usual list of TEXPAC endorsements.  That’s probably why their endorsed slate only got to 93% success.

The only TMA member in Congress, U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, MD (R-Texas), was reelected and announced he is running to become chair of the House Republican Policy Committee, which would place him as the number four most powerful member in the House Republican caucus. All four of TEXPAC’s endorsed statewide candidates [PDF] (U.S. Sen. John Cornyn and three Texas Supreme Court justices) won, as did all but one of the congressional candidates we backed and most of the candidates TEXPAC supported for the Texas House and Senate.

I blame myself.

Thanks to all of you for supporting the Party of Medicine.

2 thoughts on “Texas Party of Medicine

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