March 28, 2025

As the inaugural winner (like you could forget) I’m duty bound and pleased to pass this along:

Welcome to the 2008 Medical Weblog Awards!

This is the fifth year of the competition. These awards are designed to showcase the best blogs from the medical blogosphere, and to highlight the exciting and useful role medical blogs play in medicine and in society.

The categories for this year’s awards are:

— Best Medical Weblog

— Best New Medical Weblog (established in 2008)

— Best Literary Medical Weblog

— Best Clinical Sciences Weblog

— Best Health Policies/Ethics Weblog

— Best Medical Technologies/Informatics Weblog

— Best Patient’s Blog

The 2008 Medical Blog Awards

This is MedGadget’s award, so put your nominations in the comments there.  Thanks again to MedGadget for having this competition, and to Epocrates for sponsoring this award.