March 10, 2025

Postscript: Three Cheers For Middlesex Hospital’s New E.R.

Hartford CourantBy JOSH KOVNER

December 29, 2008

MIDDLETOWN ā€” – Middlesex Hospital’s new $31 million emergency department, which opened in March, has settled into a groove.
The waiting room is usually empty and people are seeing doctors in a third of the time, even though the patient caseload has risen 4 percent since March ā€” in what has been one of the busiest emergency centers in the state.
Memories of a crowded waiting room and patients on gurneys in the hallway are fading.
The largest renovation project in the history of the hospital increased the number of emergency beds from 26 to 44 and added new technology that has streamlined patient care.

Up 4% already.  If you build it, they will come.  I give it 6 months until the waiting room is full again.

Yes, Iā€™m jealous.  Rumor had it our ED was next for an expansion.  Until the economy acted up, which has everything on hold.

Congrats, Middletown, wherever you are.

3 thoughts on “Somebody got a new ED

  1. Middletown, home of Wesleyan University and 50,000 people, is in central Connecticut, a 20 minute drive south of Hartford.

    Back when Connecticut still had county governments, Middletown was the county seat of Middlesex County.

    If that helps any. 8-)

  2. I’ve heard great things about Middlesex, and I believe I read this in the newspaper. Unfortunately for myself, I live in Litchfield County, and my emergencies have gotten me a hasty ride on the ambulance(not free, btw) to Waterbury.

    Woohoo. :X

  3. Yep, BrainCootie, I’m not near Middlesex either.
    My last ambulance ride was a very expensive 1/2 mile trip at the other end of the state. I never knew ambulance rides cost more when not during regular business hours! (I’ll have to try to fall head-first down the stairs at a more reasonable hour, next time.)

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