March 28, 2025

Suggested by an old friend: During a slow shift in an ED, try to find a chronic disease that doesn’t have an online support group.  He assures me it’s not winnable.

I haven’t tried it yet.

12 thoughts on “Slow ER Shift Game

  1. Try to find a chronic disease that doesn’t have a book in Amazon detailing an “all natural” cure.

  2. What is this “slow shift” of which you speak. My people know of no such thing. We would love to visit your world and explore all it has to offer.

  3. I think the slow shift hes referring to is 3.5 patients per hour instead of the usual 4.5 – 5.

    [Exactly- GruntDoc]

  4. Pingback: Why We Suck
  5. Interesting contest. I thought it would not be winnable until I saw comment #7. Blogging– from both the patient’s and doctor’s perspectives– is the new journaling, and online support has been growing continuously since the late 1990s. Is it as effective as in-person groups? I don’t know, but there are definite advantages: you don’t have to drive, get dressed, be anywhere at a particular time, or use your own name. This allows patients more freedom of expression.

    BTW, we linked your blog to ours.
    Pamela Powers
    Managing Editor

  6. I will be sure to let the family member with severe Tourettes Syndrome and my friend recovering from breast cancer that it’s just silly to seek support online, when there are so many sympathetic people out there who know nothing about their conditions except what they’ve seen on TV who are ready, willing and able to fail to identify with the difficulties of their illnesses. These might be able to go to an actual real-life group meeting, but I suppose it’s silly of them to need to vent more than once a month. If they’re really lucky, they can find a burnt-out ER professional to mock them, instead. I am sure that they could even be told that there is nothing about their conditions that would cause them to need support — but of course, they have never wondered if they would be able to get a sentence out without a cascade of tics interrupting their efforts, or — well, I guess it’s okay if you have cancer. You can SEE that. Right?

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