March 28, 2025

9 thoughts on “Why does this bathroom always smell funny?

  1. Haha. I know what you mean.

    What’s worse is when there are numerous soiled Depends (“briefs” as they’re known to give the elderly pt’s some dignity) in the trash.

  2. My mother is in a nursing home now and they do a good job of cleansing/masking the air… but every now and then, it seems like there is a Friday night special…lingering in the air and old urine smell. They are definitely better at containing it during the week.

    Off topic a bit, but now that I am a frequent flier in a nursing home… as family member (looking with different eyes) vs a Lifeline rep who breezed in and out… I think nursing home staff (the good ones) are heroes in the trenches.

    If they come to the ED…you can ship them way or the other. Yes the floors may have them longer… but the nursing home staff…they deal with things day in and day out that family can’t or doesn’t want to. And it is so sad and depressing with many of them. And with the dementia patients… I guess you have to look at that as moments of kindness. Can’t keep them happy but you can be there in the moment with them.

    Sorry Grunt Doc…delete if you wish.

    Old urine smell is strong though.

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