March 28, 2025

What is in prescription paper that makes dogs like the taste?

A corollary: whay are so many sinks and toilets addicted to oxycontin?

Update: As usual I’m a step behind the rest of the internet.  Here’s an actual video of narcotic pills sending themselves down a sink, courtesy of Placebo Journal. Thanks to Hal Dall, MD in the comments for the link.

5 thoughts on “A question

  1. If a patient claims that a prescribed narcotic “didn’t work” for them, I make them bring back the unused quantity before I’ll switch them to another narcotic.

    That stops a bunch of that nonsense. The “I flushed it” excuse gets them nothing.

  2. Obviously, commodes have some mind-control abilities. As soon as you enter the bathroom with medication, they begin to send out confusion-waves that ultimately result in the accidental dumping of the pill bottles contents in the commode.

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