March 28, 2025

But it’ll never visit.  Probably won’t call or write, either.

Star-Telegram.comThe Navy announced Friday that Fort Worth will get its ship.

After a years-long campaign by U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Fort Worth, civic leaders and schoolchildren, the nation’s next littoral combat ship will be christened the USS Fort Worth, announced Navy Secretary Donald Winter.

LCS ships aren’t sexy like Carriers or battleships, but it’s pretty nice to know Fort Worth will be all over the ocean.

(Yes, I know they’re not making BB’s any more and that the CVN’s are all named after Presidents now.  It was just conversation).

2 thoughts on “Fort Worth will get a ship

  1. A Navy ship named after a Texas city named after an Army fort. Fort Collins and Fort Myers can only hope.

  2. I thought BBs were named after states, and heavy cruisers were named after cities. And I don’t think they build either of those classes anymore.

    Still, LCSs are pretty nice ships. Not as sexy as a sub, but I’m from Dallas, so I approve. :)


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