March 28, 2025

Nearly missed my own blog birthday.

Seven years of nothingness in the internet wilderness.

Thanks for reading!

12 thoughts on “I’m Seven today

  1. Well, happy birthday, Doc! Better limber up your fingers and get ready for the next 7, because we’re not letting you quit blogging anytime soon!

  2. Happy happy happy birthday!! 7 years – what a milestone. I’ve enjoyed your blog since I started reading it. Back when there were like 5 medbloggers :)

  3. Congratulations! For some reason it sure seems like a lot longer

    [GD: you’re telling me. Seems like forever.]

  4. 7 Blog Years – Isn’t that like 49 human years or something?

    Oh wait – that’s Dog Years.

    Never mind.

    Happy Blog-bday!

  5. GD, this was one of the first blogs I ever read and I still come back to it each week. I know you have a loyal (if occasionally silent) readership, and I hope you keep at it! Happy B-day.

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