February 22, 2025

It’s a brand new drug formulation (injectable ibuprofen (motrin)) but check out the approved trade name:

FDA Approves Injectable Form of Ibuprofen

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Caldolor, the first injectable dosage form of the common pain medication ibuprofen, to treat pain and fever.

I’m no Latin scholar, but I do know that Calor = fever, and Dolor = pain.  Put them together in the name for a drug that is made to treat those?  Pretty cool!

And no, I won’t be using it for a long time, if ever (old medical dictum: don’t be the first, don’t be the last).


hat tip: Luis

11 thoughts on “A really excellent drug name

  1. Yeah, I don’t get this drug either. It’s a ‘me, too’ drug in a field that’s covered pretty well. It’ll (probably) have the same indications and contraindications as Toradol, but with the benefit of being new, thus more expensive.

    Time will tell.

  2. Yet another I can add to my patients allergy list. They will sell a a lot of it till the drug seekers all get it a few times.

  3. Your dictum is also a good rule for non-medical folks in almost any situation (I learned it in a college music class).

  4. God love latin…what about the “miracle” diet product seen on late night cable tv “Amorphophalus Konjac”….it’s really out there…I S*^! you, not!

  5. @WMR – “Amorphophalus konjac” is the binomial name for what the Japanese call konnyaku (some cookbooks translated from Japanese into English call it ‘devil’s tongue’). It contains a high amount of the fiber glucomannan – making it a popular diet food in Japan, and also apparently on infomercials.

    Konnyaku is kind of.like tofu in that it doesn’t taste like much by itself, but picks up the flavors of what it is cooked with.

  6. In Feb. 2001, the European Medicines Evaluation Agency approved IV ibuprofen as an orphan drug for symptomatic PDA.

    It has had other uses in Europe.

    The USA is just late to the formulary party.

  7. My first thought was “California Pain.”

    My second thought was, why would any manufacturer use negative words such as heat (I also live in Texas) and pain? It’s a bit like the world’s worst corporate name: Microsoft. Wouldn’t you want Macrohard, really?

  8. I do love the latin roots, although shouldn’t it include tumor, rubor, and functio laesa making the new drug caldolortumrubfun? Would love the mispronounciations of that one… “I’m allergic to that new drug: haldol fun tummy rub. Oh, also vicodin 5s, but not the 10s”.

    Wish me luck GD; I start surgery Monday. Eek!

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