March 4, 2025

Kim’s done an excellent job there, and is the moving force behind the BlogWorld Medblogger track.

Happy Birthday, Emergiblog!

While there, check out Grand Rounds

3 thoughts on “Happy 4th Blog Birthday to Emergiblog! And, a Grand Rounds!

  1. I think it’s worth mentioning here that Grand Rounds has, in my view, degenerated into the blogger equivalent of strip mall blight, with no filtering of quality of writing, and to some extent mirroring what we see on the continuous news channels, where topics remain topical for short periods, and then we move on to the next topical item. When you get to the point of regretting the click to the link, it’s time to move on to things that don’t waste time…

  2. Thanks, Grunt Doc! : ) You were the first reminder that it was my blogiversary, as I am noting in a post right now!

    Greg, your comment is interesting – should GR have an “editing” component? Of course, that would be different with each host, so who would decide what is interesting and what is not? My take has always been one of inclusion, but how can we make it better? What would you do differently?

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