February 22, 2025

Sounds like quite well, really:

Third flu tent opens at Dell Children’s as volumes stay high

By Mary Ann Roser | Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 11:34 AM

Statesman.comDoctors and nurses are now seeing patients in a third tent outside the emergency department at Dell Children’s Medical Center to handle steady high volumes of children complaining of flu.

Two tents, which went up Sept. 21 after swine flu cases spiked at the hospital, have proved to be “awesomely efficient,” hospital officials said, with the average patient being treated and sent home in about 30 minutes. The third opened today….

In the past 24 hours, the ER saw 353 patients with more than 70 percent with flu or flu-like illness, according to Seton.

That’s quite a sensible thing to do.  Keep the contagious respiratory viral illness out of the ED, where there are patients who don’t have it, but may be immunosuppressed, etc.

Good for Dell Childrens!

3 thoughts on “How Dell Childrens’ is dealing with H1N1

  1. Gosh if Austin is having that much H1N1, I wonder if ACL fest is a threat to public health?

  2. Are they using temper tents? I would suspect it’s something like that. I should think states with USAF reserve aeromedical units and USA MASH units would be looking at Austin as a model for similar outbreaks nationally.

    In the realm of everything old is new again, our favorite server at our favorite restaurant in Plano is in the late stage of her last trimester and has decided to say home until she has the child. She’s frighten and I’m not sure she shouldn’t be.

    My father was born in 1918 and I remember my grandmother’s stories about how she went into seclusion after his (home) birth in April 1918 until later that same year when the danger, at least in Arkansas, had passed.

    For all our advancements people remain people and fears, rational or otherwise, don’t seem to change all that much. It must come as a shock to those who believe that each day some technological advance keeps us safer than the day before. While that may be true I suspect the advancements are slivers compared to the enormous advances aspirin and antibiotics made possible.

    Anyway, out of habit more than anything else this old G.I. will get a flu shot and H1N1 if my doc says so (out of respect for our host I deliberately avoided calling my doctor a “chancre mechanic” ;-))

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