March 28, 2025

This is wayyy too close to reality:

Heh. Dunno why they’re in a convenience store, but that might me a commentary on the ED environment.

Thanks to a reader with a very recognizable name, who shall therefore remain nameless…

10 thoughts on “Funny YouTube Post: ED Drug Seeker

  1. That’s a great one! It’s always interesting how multiple non-controlled substance allergies is comorbid with with “need” for benzos, opioids, etc. They should have taught us that in med school!

  2. **clapping** that. was. friggin’. outstanding.

    The person who made this is clearly ER staff, or a user themselves (or both)… the bitter tears of experience are the only thing that could generate that degree of realism.

  3. Bwaaahahahahaha! I see three main types of seekers. #1 Immediately aggressive: I HAVE PAIN AND YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW! #2 The seductive: Oh, you are such a NICE doctor, and I know you will make me feel better. #3 The silly me: Oh, well, I had the pills on the counter next to the toilet, and, well, silly me, the top was off and I knocked them into the toilet……(usually this story is way longer!)

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