March 28, 2025

From Cox & Forkum
Happy Veterans' Day

I miss Cox and Forkum (I first ran this in 2004).

Thank a vet today.  Also, today’s the last day to give to Project Valour IT (inside the competition window, they’d be glad for donations anytime…)

5 thoughts on “Veterans Day

  1. I think Americans should follow like other nations and pay a bit more respect. I like the idea that Canadians have by wearing the poppy from Nov 1st through November 11th or at least on Nov 11th. This clearly visible symbol helps provide more of a reminder.

    Selling the poppies for whatever a person wants to donate also helps raise funds for Vets and their families…. EXCELLENT IDEA!!

  2. Joe: Here in the UK we have services on the nearest Sunday before Remembrance Day. Most of our towns – even our villages – have memorials of some sort and we gather around them to honour our fallen. Both my children are in Brownies and Cubs, and the Scouts and Guides take part every year, forming, in their parts, the Honour Guard. I’ve tried to explain to my kids the significance of the Parade, Service, and the Silence and bugle call. I think they understand it particularly since both their great-grandfathers participated in WW2. One of them – the one they actually knew because he only died 5 years ago – often talked to them about being shelled and the shrapnel that ripped into his lower arm. They also know that we have poppies and that they are used for Remembrance.
    Mostly in this country, we come to a standstill at the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month, and observe a 2 minute silence: in stores, churches, on streets, etc. I was fortunate to be in my children’s school on Wednesday (Armistice Day), and shared the Remembrance service, complete with lit candles and poppies. We saw a short video about the British Legion who still work with old veterans, but also families with soldiers who’ve died in the more recent conflicts. These days we remember them just as much, since they too are fighting for our freedom – the same freedom all those men in WW1 died to give us.
    One thing I’ve noticed in my increased exposure to Americans over the past few years: you are more vocal of your support of your troops today, so I’m surprised to see you say you think your nation should “pay more respect”. I guess if you don’t have the special services, then I understand what your saying. Gradually I see folk here becoming more vocal in support of their troops deployed in current conflicts. Then again, it could always be because the people of this little island I’ve chosen to plant myself in are renowned for their stiff upper lips and reserve… There are rumblings every year around this time that we should let Armistice Day fade away into the mists of time. It was renewed earlier this year when our last Great War Vet passed on – the remaining 3 have all died this year. I can’t agree with this. I think everyone should remember those men and boys who, as the great poem says, “for their tomorrow, we gave our today”.
    God bless ALL veterans, and a grateful heartfelt thanks from me.

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