January 21, 2025

I’ve been asked this quite a lot recently, and have no idea.  I know, more or less, the commenters, but there are quite a number of readers who don’t comment.

So, who are you?  Scouts’ Honor, now, and you’re only allowed to vote once.  (I’m not looking for any particular answer here, it’s just a completely unscientific survey…).  Choose one.  It’s up to you.

Who are you who reads this blog?
Allied Health
Valuable Reader
pollcode.com free polls

Weird.  Buttons don’t display properly.  The TOP one is "VOTE", the LOWER one is "VIEW RESULTS".  Weird.

I’ll turn this off in a week or so.  I’m interested in knowing who the nine of you are!


Update: After about 24 hours of voting:


I find this very surprising,  Lotta docs (comparatively), fewer nurses than I would have thought, etc.  (It’s totally unscientific, but it’s interesting nonetheless).

22 thoughts on “Who are my readers, really?

  1. How about PA, NP, MA, RT? There’s a bunch of people out there you read your site. Guess what? And none of us are moms.

  2. Now see, the pedant in me (fess up time … pedant occupies space from tarsals to clavicle, thus encompassing the gluteus since most pedants are a monumental pain in this portion!!) is itching to point out that when I read “Mom”, my immediate question is “Whose?” Writer’s mom? or moms in general?
    So I guess that makes me a “Valuable Reader” which I’m quite touched about actually. Lil ole me – a “valuable” reader. Who’da thunked that eh?!! Surprise surprise surprise … Do I, like, get a shiny medal or sum’thin’?

  3. Am I the only non-med/vet/mom “valuable reader?” I’m fascinated with medicine, but all that responsibility….no way.

  4. I’m a former state public health worker (hard to classify neatly the work I did, but it was in the field of cancer) now a PhD student in Health Services Research. I like to grab the RSS feeds from the doctors and nurses blogs along with other health blogs, so I have a better idea of what’s going on in the real world of medicine, rather than what is blasted from the media or the peer reviewed journals. So I’m a “valuable reader” I guess….

  5. I’m a former rocket scientist trying to get into nursing school here in the DFW area. I guess that makes me a valuable reader…

  6. How about pregnant reservist medical students? Almost docs, almost moms… I put physician. Hope that counts.

  7. What about those of us who aren’t in medicine, but also aren’t particularly valuable as readers? I’m looking for “worthless reader”, damnit!

  8. Hey gruntdoc,

    i’m usually a lurker, but I get that same burning curiosity from time to time about who reads, so though I would comment to let you know I enjoy your posts tremendously. I am a firstyear internal med resident, been following since i was a 2nd year student

  9. Completely unaffiliated to the medical profession, except for my wife who is in a nursing program.

    Mark one down for a Police Officer/Navy brat.

  10. What? “No retired or former military” selection? No “retired E9 with an opinion about everything, especially s**t he knows nothing about” selection?

    Serious, serious shortfalls, GD

  11. I’m an attorney who defends doctors, nurses and hospitals being sued for malpractice; can’t really stretch that to “allied health,” and many of your physician readers may feel that the J.D. after my name disqualifies me from being considered a “valuable” anything.

  12. A.J., you sound like one of the good guys.

    Hello, my name is horsetech and I’m a medblogaholic.

    Another vote for worthless POS wise-ass reader. I call myself “horsetech” because it is somewhat self-explanatory. OK, I take that back, it’s a lie. I’m neither a horse nor an LVT/RVT/CVT, I am what you would technically call a veterinary assistant (but “horseass-t” was a little self-deprecating even for me) who has worked exclusively in equine medicine (right now, it’s just a weekend/summer gig at a teaching horsepital). I am also a PITA college student who will find out in a couple months whether I have been deemed worthy of becoming one of this year’s contestants on “Survivor: Vet School”.

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