February 22, 2025

Update: the BBC report is much better (many thanks to reader Melissa!)

CNN has a (marginally B+) interview with Amsterdam native Jasper Schuringa, the man who subdued the Northwest Airlines terrorist and put out the fire (sustaining burns on his hand in the process).

If you can get through the interview, please watch it.

Interestingly, he said they moved the terrorist to First Class and stripped him looking for more explosives, which seems a very heads-up move.

The courage to act.  He’s a hero in my book.

7 thoughts on “Jasper Schuringa, Hero

  1. Unfortunately, he’ll probably be a hunted man for the rest of his life… the terrorists don’t like it much when infidels fight back, or call them out.

    If he’s particularly unlucky, he could end up like another Dutchman: Theo Van Gogh. After making a film critical of Islam’s treatment of women, he was assassinated. A terrorist killed him in the street by shooting him eight times, and nearly beheading him.

    Google it.

  2. And now the poor schmuck gets introduced to the US legal system with endless depositions, cancellations of depositions, ditto for trial
    dates and reschedules there as well. Hope he has a flexible job schedule, in addition to worries over jihadists in Holland as alluded
    to by Theo Van Gogh’s murder, the hounding of Ayi Hirsi (“Infidel”) and the recent Westermark attempted axe murder.

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