March 11, 2025

After a downturn in 2009, more U.S. medical students chose family medicine as their specialty this year, resulting in a fill rate of 91.4 percent, the highest percentage for family medicine ever, according to the results of the 2010 National Resident Matching Program, or NRMP, also known as the Match.

via Match Results: 2010 Fill Rate for Family Medicine Highest Ever — AAFP News Now — American Academy of Family Physicians.

Happy Match Day!  Today, Senior medical students all over the US opened their envelopes and found out where they matched for the next 1-7 years.  Congrats to all, I hope you got what you wanted and can live with what you get.

Interesting FP did well, I would have bet against it.

6 thoughts on “Match Results: 2010 Fill Rate for Family Medicine Highest Ever — AAFP News Now — American Academy of Family Physicians

  1. For many years now the AAFP has pushed for universal coverage and the concept of a “medical home”. I think this idea is also pushed in medical schools. (At least it was at my school.) Medical students are a little naive about the business of medicine at graduation and with obamacare so close to passing, I’m not really surprised that FP did well this year.

  2. Pretty pathetic ratio of US grads. Good that it is at least filling though. Better a doc that doesn’t speak your language worth a crap than no doc at all. 30 million new patients gonna be forced illegally by our own gov’t to buy insurance. They will want to get their money’s worth!

  3. The tried to push FP at my medical school too.

    Most students saw through the sales pitch.

  4. I’m a FP and there is no way I would recommend it to a new med school grad. Maybe things will change but right now you will make better money and have a better lifestyle doing something else.

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