March 28, 2025

I’m pleased to host this roving blog carnival, and thrilled suitably humbled to be the first 7 time host.

Which is a terrible way to start this, the first Non-Narcissist, Non Personally Aggrandizing MedBlog Grand Rounds, and thanks for putting up with my first theme. 31 submissions from 23 submitters makes this theme viable, and well-attended.

Editor’s Pick:

Where romance and medicine collide

by Movin’Meat.  A tale you’ll retell.  Recommended by Musings of a Dinosaur.

Most Recommended Post:

Why We Need Private Primary Care Doctors

from Musings of a Distractible Mind, recommended by both ACP Internist and Musings of a Dinosaur.

The  body of work, in order of receipt*:

On call- tips from the trenches by Dr. Grumpy (self descriptive), and Only in the Country: Sunshine by Dr. Sanity (people with decompensated psych problems are usually interesting), both recommended by Melissa.

Questioning ‘one in four’ from Mind Hacks (a cogent analysis  of whether that’s the right ratio of people who will have mental illness at some point) recommended by Dr. Shock.

significant moments from other things amanzi (peds and surgery mix poorly) recommended by Jill of All Trades, MD.

Boyfriend Doesn’t Have Ebola. Probably. *UPDATED* from Hyperbole and a Half.  The title has nothing to do with the subject: the funniest, most accurate facial pain scale chart, ever.  Recommended by How to Cope with Pain.

Story-telling in the Age of Corporate Medicine (or more on being called an AIDS denier) by Mad in America is his reply to reviews of his book, which is done well.  Recommended by Behaviorism and Mental Health.

This is what you don’t want to think to yourself upon entering a room: by Head Nurse about the thought and action process (just go read it).  Editorial: awesome and prolific nurse blogger, who you should add to your daily reads.  Recommended by Geena of CodeBlog.

Are WHO rankings entirely worthless? from Healthcare Economist points out an astonishing flaw in the WHO’s ranking measurements.  Recommended by InsureBlog.

The Estrogen Dilemma – Hope, Hype or Just One Woman’s Story? from TBTAMLife, Death and Everything In Between by A Day in the Life of an Ambulance Driver,  Numbers by Dr. Wes (who knew a Navy man could rhyme polite words?) and  choice by OncRn were all sumbitted by #1 Dinosaur, who also happens to have a book!

Blood Pressure Control: No Excuses. Just Do It! by is self descriptive, and was recommended by Common Sense Family Doctor.

Primary Care shortage Predicted to Worsen by Everything Health is sobering, and worth the time.  Recommended by ACP Hospitalist (not to be confused with ACP Internist).

Doctors Push to Change “MD” Titles by M.D.O.D. was described, correctly, as gallows humor.  Recommended by Doc D.

The next all-natural blockbuster drug by Common Sense Family Doctor may just be onto something.  Recommended by Dr. Pullen, indicating a mutual-admiration society.

The Golden Smile by StorytellERdoc and Basketball by Methodical Madness are both excellent stories, recommended by Suture for a Living.

Life cycles is from Medical Moments, a nice story in 55 words.  Prose needn’t be wordy to be powerful.  Recommended by Muse, RN.

Gutter, by intueriDr. Charles knows how to pick ’em.

Through my husband’s eyes… by Olivejooice is an homage to her husband for being there (outstanding).  Recommended by Instructions Not Included.

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages by Dr. Paul Auerbach, one of the powers in Emergency Medicine, recommended by Dr. Jolie Bookspan (now blogging on Twitter!).

Coping, and her Wellness Section by Chemobabe were recommended by Doc Gurley (whose posts about her volunteer efforts in Haiti are not to be missed).

Money Matters by MerryCherry, MD shows the Phillipines have trouble with health costs, too.  Recommended by Dr. Emer who submitted his complimentary post.

EHR Certification – A Delicate Balance by On Healthcare Technology shows acronyms aren’t just for medicine, HIT has plenty (and on a serious not argues whether we should be trying to certify EHR’s).  Recommended by Occam Practice Management.

Pre-emptively, the Grand Rounds post you’re reading now was recommended by The Happy Hospitalist, making him very funny!

Last but certainly not least, Paucis Verbis Card: Vasopressors and Inotropes for Shock in Academic Life in Emergency Medicine is a very nice pocket reference card for the pressors.  Nice! It was recommended by Blogborygmi‘s Nick Genes.

(*=except for these) And then, the Old Fashioned submissions:

Do Antidepressants Really Work? from A Better View, and Is That A T. rex Up Your Nose? New Species of Nose-dwelling Leech Discovered From Living the Scientific Life were auto-submitted.


Would you please include a request for submissions to the May 13 Change of Shift rounds at the end of your Grand Rounds post? 
Details for the theme are at my site (, but the reason I’m asking for your mention is that it would be extra special to include and refer blogs/ posts from the doc group on the topic of “The Greatest Nurse I’ve Ever Known….” in honor of National Nurse’s Week.

Submissions no later than 5 pm your time, May 12.

End Notes

All Hail Nick Genes, the creator of MedBlog Grand Rounds! (I know, but it’s a requirement now).

The next installment is at The Examining Room of Doctor Charles.

Thanks to all for participating!

12 thoughts on “MedBlog Grand Rounds 6:32: The Non Narcissist, Non Personally Aggrandizing Edition

  1. This is a remarkable selection of blog posts. Medlibs Rounds tries to do something similar, but I don’t think we are quite so prolific or diverse as what you have above. Well done.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out. I wish I could take credit for it, but I’m just the correspondent.

    Great concept for Grand Rounds, BTW.

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