March 28, 2025

Story by Sgt. Ben Hutto, 3rd HBCT, 3rd Inf Div PAO
Photos courtesy of Sgt. Deshon Bell, 203rd BSB

CONTINGENCY OPERATING SITE KALSU, Iraq – Ten policemen from Babil and Karbala provinces graduated from the 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division’s tactical combat medical care course at Contingency Operating Site Kalsu June 15.

The five-day course was designed to teach students practical ways to treat combat injuries.

“It is an advanced first-responder course,” said Staff Sgt. Timothy Mollett, a medic assigned to Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment. “Most of them know the basic things like clearing an airway or stopping bleeding. What we do is break everything down to the basics and build from there.”

Both medics said the course was more about demonstrations and exercises than formal classroom instruction.

“They are just like [U.S.] Soldiers,” said Mollett, a native of Columbus, Ohio. “They don’t like slide shows but love hands-on training. They learn better that way, too.”

via Digital Video & Imagery Distribution System.

I’m glad ‘normalizing’ operations are still going on, and that it’s their 8th 5 day class there’s a good amount of support for this mission from both sides.

(I was contacted by someone and alerted to this story.  Thanks!)