March 28, 2025

has made my blog barren, joyless, and, well, dull.

It seems I’ve been working nonstop, and when I’ve had time to myself it’s been consumed with plans for my yearly MegaParty for our Scribes. It’ll be a good one (Seventh, for you counters). (Unless you’ve gotten an invitation, you’re welcome to throw your own party).

Work has drama, but it’s micro-political and therefore sounds whiny when I type it out. I’ll spare you. You’re welcome.

Our joint has started being very aggressive about Induced Hypothermia in resuscitated arrests, and I contributed to a success story, something that’s rare in medicine: a resuscitated arrest that left the hospital neurologically intact 1 week later. Anecdotal, I know, but still. I don’t know if I’ve had one of these before. I hope it’s a trend.

As for shootin’ stuff, I’ve had a self-imposed restriction on adding any new calibers of firearms, as at a certain point keeping up with all the different ammo types can be daunting, and expensive. That took care of itself recently when I was shooting my new 357Sig rounds through my Sigs with Barsto barrels (which I had just dropped in, and not had fitted by a gunsmith). I got talked into 357Sig rather than choosing it, but thought it deserved a good try.

That try had 6 failures to feed in 100 rounds, and said gear has been shelved. As I wasn’t crazy about it to start with the extra effort to make it work was easy to avoid.

Therefore, a new caliber opened up. I’ve never owned a .45, and that’ll change soon. I have my eye on the Springfield XD in 45, I’ve shot the range loaner and found it surprisingly likable and well-fitting for a non-Sig pistol (I’m mostly a Sig pistol snob), so different experiences pay off.

For those screaming at their screens that I need to get a 1911-style 45, rest assured I’ve shot several of them over the years, shot one recently, and, eh. I can shoot it, don’t like it, and you may now call me a Philistine.

Tomorrow I get to take another shooting-newbie out and teach him from zero, an experience I relish. So, good. Some play!

9 thoughts on “All Work and No Play

  1. Sounds like you are busy. We have also had one (and only one) IH survivor. I think it may catch on. We are still trying to get buy in from all the Cardiologist. In the ED all we do is start the CVL and start cooling, then off to the ICU. At least we contribute something.

    I am a fan of the 1911, mainly Kimbers. Call me old fashion, but each to his own. The 1911 fits my hand better than most guns. I have a SA XD-M in 9mm. Shoots like a dream, and I love being able to hold 20 rounds. My Glock 40 cal is still my go to gun most of the time. My next purchase will be a Sig. What model and cal do you recommend?

  2. Hypothermia: Farmer’s branch Fire Department has started implementing their protocols for field initiated therapeutic hypothermia, which was ripped off largely from Plano, who is also doing the same. I am trying to get the same thing started with the Fire Department I work with. At some point, this is going to become standard of care. We are starting it in the field because it is a time sensitive intervention, and it seems to eliminate any dithering about starting it in the ED if it has already been initiated on scene.

    I just picked up an XD(M) in .45. So new I have yet to shoot it, but I plan on remedying it early next week. You have my personal eMail, so drop me a line if you want to try it out sometime. I also have to tune up a 10mm I picked up.

  3. I own and have carried concealed both a Springfield XD, a Springfield plane jane 1911, and a Colt officer’s Model- all in .45 acp. The XD is now my choice for a carry pistol, with the 1911 second choice. The Officer’s Model is more compact than either but is somewhat picky about. ammo. I especially like the ergonomics of the XD which, for me, are similar to the 1911. For reliability you can’t do better than a Springfield product and the prices are good.

  4. We have begun to get quite aggressive in regards to induced hypothermia following arrest as well. We have a new toy which the neuro fellows get to play with; it basically involves placing a catheter to allow total body cooling. We have had a number of patients that were A&ox3, following commands and moving around and extubated only 24-48 hours after being brought in.

  5. We are one of the smaller DFW hospitals (on the Dallas side…think we are in your system though) and are struggling with how to implement hypothermia in our ER. Our local EMS hasn’t started it, but they will soon. All of the Plano hospitals are initiating hypothermia in the ER because Plano EMS is reluctant to take patients to hospitals that don’t offer it. Have heard of some good saves in the area with full neuro recovery.

    Are you using a particular system? I’ve had the hard sell so far from Thermosuit (LRS) and Zoll Alsius.

  6. We are using the Gaymar system that has the leggings and vest to cool the patient, (Gruntdoc’s ED). The system looks like a cooling blanket but has an extra set of hoses to connect two pieces. The field starts with cooled saline and we start the Gaymar on arrival along with continued cold saline.

    Problem is too many of the arrests never make it to the ED or they are called shortly after arrival in the ED.

    Visited with my state ENA friends this weekend and they too are using this treatment. Have heard of about 1 out of 100 successes from most of the larger facilities. But it works great on the hyperthermia patients we get with heat stroke.

  7. Check out the annual summer ammo sale @ GT distributors down here in Austin.

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