March 28, 2025

July 15, 2010 — The Texas Medical Board (TMB) has charged a family physician at the center of a nationally publicized whistle-blower case involving 2 nurses with poor medical judgment, nontherapeutic prescribing, failure to maintain adequate records, overbilling, witness intimidation, and other violations.

via Physician in Whistle-Blower Case Charged by Texas Medical Board.

Some follow-up / karma from the Kermit / Winkler County Nursing prosecution.

Thanks to CardioNP!

5 thoughts on “Physician in Whistle-Blower Case Charged by Texas Medical Board

  1. The real story should be that the Texas Medical Board will go after anybody that whistleblows on the Texas Medical Board. The Texas Medical Board is an old fashioned STAR CHAMBER with with ARCH BISHOP Mary Robinson presiding for KING PERRY.

    SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ARAFILES made one small mistake which was temporary.
    Then he did the unthinkable!!

    WOW What a crime!

    The nurses reported him for ssseeeelllllinnnng VITAMINS

    Oh yeah doctors shouldn’t be able to sell vitamins so only the pharmacies get rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a joke in TEXAS.

    Those nurses should go to JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For harrassing him!!!
    Ghost of Davy Crockett

  2. A few points: Star Chamber-Board actions are reported to the public. Actual copies of agreements are posted online, including the signatures of parties invloved.
    Arch Bishop: While I can’t vouch for the status of the souls of those on the board, it is not a lifetime appointment.
    Arafiles has had previous board actions, which are posted (with his signature) on the board web site. The actions for which he is currently in trouble were clearly brought forth in open court in the nurse’s trial. There was much more than selling supplements to patients.
    Selling of supplments directly is considered an ethical problem, as it gives the physican financial incentive to dispense a more expensive than needed product. Other countries (Japan comes to mind) feel differently.
    Nurses have an obigation to report doctors or hospitals in matters regarding patient safely. Repeated failure to follow written hospital policy would generally be included.

    It is unpleasant to have such things brought out in public. Ideally, they will be handled effeciently at the shift or hospital level. When they are not, I think it a good idea that nurses (and doctors) have recourse to outside agencies.

    A civil case is now before the federal district court. More details will be made public there, including the actions of various local officials. Texas Rangers were involved in an extensive investigation at the state level, so there may be criminal prosecutions at some point.

    I note the jury in the state district court cleared the nurses of any wrongdoing. Perhas Davy’s Ghost should request and read the records of that trial.

  3. Good thing this Davy Crockett is a ghost!

    Cross this nurse’s path and he will wish he was the invisible man too.

    Unethical behavior is not tolerated for physician’s or nurse’s. This doctor (and I use the term loosely) needs to be investigated, license removed, and banned from using the term “doctor” behind his name.

    He was wrong and tried to throw the nurses under the bus. Found out the nurses would not budge, and they turned in him in. GOOD CALL NURSES!!

  4. I’m completely out of my depth here but can a state medical “Star Chamber” (your phrase) charge anyone with anything non-medically related? “Witness intimidation” is a criminal statute, both state and federal. I can’t see that the board has the legal authority to charge him with that nor do I think the board has the authority to call on the state to charge him either.

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