March 28, 2025

UPDATE: Nevermind. see the comments.

We want you to visit your local medical museum, and tell us about it.

Chances are, you live near a medical museum. Maybe it’s an overlooked building downtown, or a hospital library. Inside, you’ll find bizarre specimen, important documents, and yes, medical gadgets.

This contest is an opportunity to showcase your local medical museum’s treasures for the world to see, as well as to describe your local medical history and explain how clinicians and scientists in your area contributed to medicine.

via My Medical Museum | Home.

There is time left for you to win an iPad (I bought mine, and really like it).  So, go t your local medical museum, and win!

3 thoughts on “Three Days Left: My Medical Museum | Home

  1. Did I miss something? The rules say, “Develop your presentation and finalize it by Sunday, June 27, 2010. The winner will be announced on Monday, July 5, 2010 on Medgadget.”

  2. Yes, you missed my inability to read. I wondered what the status was, scrolled to the bottom, read the announcement date, and triple-jumped to a conclusion.

    Mea culpa. What’s done is done, don’t apply if you haven’t already.

    Thanks to Ramona for actually reading for comprehension.

  3. It’s not local to me, but I’d like to go visit the Museum of Parasitology next time I’m in Tokyo…

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