March 28, 2025

Longtime Iowahawk readers will recall my old Ozark hotrodding medico friend Darren “Doc” Lee from Operation Dumb-Vee, where we successfully conspired to plaster Doc’s Army unit’s vehicles with morale-boosting refridgerator magnets from home, during his stint in Iraq. You also may recall that Doc is my go-to supplier of, um, “Ozark hair tonic.”I am sad to report that Doc was recently the victim of a terrible garage accident…

via iowahawk: Help a Brother Out.

Read, and if you wish, give.  Your money could go to worse uses.

3 thoughts on “iowahawk: Help a Brother Out

  1. As a former Grunt Doc myself (1/5 and 1st Recon 1981-84) I appreciate the help and concern. Will know by Thursday afternoon if this is going to be a permanent PIA.

    Thanks all.

    Doc Lee

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