March 11, 2025

Whether a soldier needs a cure for the common cold or brain surgery, the NATO hospital on Kandahar Airfield can handle it. This is one of Afghanistan’s most sophisticated hospitals, and it provides top medical care on the front line. Just minutes by helicopter from most conflict spots in the country’s south, the hospital saves the lives of 98 percent of the injured who come here.

Does it work?


…being so close to the battlefield means if a patient makes it to Kandahar alive, chances are he will stay that way. The hospital has a 98 percent survival rate.

via NATO Hospital Offers Top Notch Care in Taliban Heartland | Asia | English.

I have no idea on this, perhaps one of you knows: is there a NATO hospital and a US facility at Kandahar Airfield, is the US one also called a NATO hospital, or what?

2 thoughts on “NATO Hospital Offers Top Notch Care in Taliban Heartland | Asia | English

  1. There are a number of joint hospitals throughout afghanistan, all boosting amazing survival rates.. email for more info

  2. The hospital they are referring to in the article is a US facility. The confusion comes in because we refer to most medical facilities as being NATO for PR reasons. Technically we are part of NATO so I guess calling the hospital in Kandahar a NATO facility isn’t a lie.

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