March 28, 2025

Joe Gibson Memorial Foundation – Home.

I hadn’t heard about this, and while it’s probably a little late to start training for a 10K race being held tomorrow in Arizona, this looks to be a worthy foundation and a regular event.

What got my attention:

Joe Gibson, MD was a Phoenix Emergency Medicine Physician who had dedicated his life to saving and helping people in need. He was known to have a happy, infectious personality and a zest for life. A lifetime athlete, Joe spent time training and participating in triathlons and running races to balance his life and to stay healthy.

On December 29th, while on a training run in Phoenix, Joe was hit by a car. He sustained massive head injury and brain death. Even after this tragedy, Joe continued to give back as he became an organ donor and was able to save 4 lives with this last parting gift.

He was obviously loved, and he lives on through this foundation.  Inspiring.