March 28, 2025

Just when it seems the scandal cant get any worse, it does.According to new research published in todays BMJ, Wakefields motive for the fraud was money — and lots of it. Wakefield "planned secret businesses intended to make huge sums of money, in Britain and America, from his now-discredited allegations," according to a BMJ press release.

via Anti-Vaccine Doctor Planned to Profit from Scare : Discovery News.

I have a friend whose answer to things that dont make sense is “follow the money”. He’s usually right.

I cannot tell you the thrill I have knowing this contemptible scum has picked my State to work from.

1 thought on “Anti-Vaccine Doctor Planned to Profit from Scare : Discovery News

  1. Wakefield was fired from Thoughtful House in Austin last year after his medical license was revoked; I was hoping he had left Texas.

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