March 26, 2025

AUSTIN — A proposal to add an M.D. program to the medical school in Fort Worth could be delayed because of state budget woes, lawmakers and local officials said Thursday.The possible setback for the M.D. school — which would be at the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth — was just part of the grim news that confronted scores of Tarrant County officials as they spread out in the state Capitol to lobby for local priorities.

via Texas budget crunch could delay M.D. program in Fort Worth | Texas Legislature | News fr….


3 thoughts on “Texas budget crunch could delay M.D. program in Fort Worth | Texas Legislature | News fr…

  1. Fine – How about facing the reality and expanding residency training opportunities throughout the state.
    Surgery – need to start producing general surgeons ready for rural practice – do ANY UTSW residents do any rural time – San Angelo is NOT rural (Parkland Surgical CME early 2000’s stated that was an occasional rural site.)
    FP – enough said – critical need for FP-OB
    IM – rural geriatrics suffers from the poor reimbursement, but may end up flourishing in the rural heatlh clinic setting.

  2. It is very interesting that the proponents of the MD school at UNTHSC are putting the blame of the state budget shortfall for their shortcomings. It should be noted that the numbers of UNTMD business plan keep changing according to the direction that the wind blows that day.

    For instance, in August 2010, though, a UNTMD business and academic plan (page14) said that an analysis by the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce“estimated the economic impact of the medical education aspect of the proposed MD program at $1.7 billion over the first 10 years.” Six months later, without any drastic improvement in the economy nor inflation, the local economic impact by the proposed MD school is estimated to “generate $220.5 million in direct spending in the region in its first 10 years,”i.e, $50 million per year more than the August number.

    According toan independent report from JM Watt Consulting, released in February 2011, notes that the UNTMD plan projects that “during the MD school’s first eight years, the program would cost the state $105.8 million.”

    Further reading “Response to the blame on “Texas budget crunch could delay M.D. program in Fort Worth”

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