March 26, 2025

The Art of Politics.

I’m not going to bang on the Texas Medical Association just yet, but wonder if this isn’t just spinning an inevitable loss:

Employment WITHOUT protections is the corporate practice of medicine. Employment WITH protections is part of the practice of medicine, and that’s what we stand for.

via Physician Employment Protections.

Basically, realizing hospital employment of docs was coming this session, the TMA apparently focused on making a deal that legislatively empowered the docs.


Also, why on earth would a hospital want to employ docs? I know it’s happening, I just don’t get it.

3 thoughts on “Physician Employment Protections

  1. “Also, why on earth would a hospital want to employ docs? I know it’s happening, I just don’t get it.”

    I get it. It’s all about control.

  2. It’s all about money. Doctors will then be forced to admit all their pts to that hospital and do all their surgeries there.

  3. Hospitals *may* (stress “may”) want their ER docs under employ if compensation is bundled as an ACO and that way they can keep the payment and pay the docs some arbitrary sum, out of the equally arbitrary sum the ACO payment is…

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