March 26, 2025

Wisconsin’s physician licensing panel is investigating eight physicians who have been accused of writing phony doctors’ notes excusing anti-Scott Walker protesters from work while attending rallies at the state capital in February.

via Wisconsin licensing panel investigating fake doctors’ notes during anti-Walker protests | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | San Francisco Examiner.


3 thoughts on “Wisconsin licensing panel investigating fake doctors’ notes during anti-Walker protests | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | San Francisco Examiner

  1. I’ll say for the record that if the allegations are substantiated, the docs should face sanctions. Not draconian, but for unprofessional conduct to be sure.

  2. Amen to that…totally inappropriate…they should keep their licenses but should get sanctions to put doctors on warning that this type of behavior is not ok.

  3. Agree with Steve. They should keep their licenses, but sanctioned and fined for falsifying records.

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