March 28, 2025

When emergency physician Harvey Castro asked a nurse to start a dopamine dose for a hypotensive patient one day, he watched the nurse leave the room, find the book that could guide her to the titratable dose, look in the index and then flip through until she found what she needed. Castro wondered, Isn’t there a more efficient way?

via Medical Apps? There’s a Doc for That.

A fellow DFW doc who’s done well in the Medical App world ( Deep Pocket Series ).

Dr. Castro was nice enough to let me play with some of his apps about a year ago, and while I never found a big use for them (my practice style, no knock on him) they were well done and approachable for me.

Kudos to Dr. Castro!

1 thought on “Medical Apps? There’s a Doc for That

  1. Dear GD,

    I don’t use Apps either, though Harvey has developed two of my books into Apps. Do you use pocketbooks? I’d be happy to send you a few complimentary copies. Check out the books, etc. at and let me know which ones might interest you.

    Brady Pregerson, MD

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