March 28, 2025

TALLAHASSEE — The physician groups suing to block a new Florida law that bans doctors from asking patients about guns in their homes asked a federal judge in Miami Friday for an injunction to block enforcement of the law.

via Physicians ask for injunction against ‘Docs v. Glocks’ law – Central Florida Political Pulse – Orlando Sentinel.

Good. And, good luck with that.

If physician organizations are going to try to play in the Deep End of the pool politically (like the AAP has, endorsing outright gun control) then they need to be ready when their political opponents make docs a target (shooting joke unintentional).

via Instapundit.

1 thought on “Physicians ask for injunction against ‘Docs v. Glocks’ law – Central Florida Political Pulse – Orlando Sentinel

  1. G.D.,

    I didn’t comment on this when you posted it, but the Florida law is wrong. I hold _all_ off our rights sacred, not just the 2nd amendment. I’m not willing to throw any right under the bus in the supposed service of another, and I am bothered that there are people who are willing to do it.

    No matter how much I disagree with someone’s speech, and whether or not they are speaking in a professional capacity, I oppose any infringement of their right to say what they want to say.

    People ought to remember, when considering the ban of some disagreeable speech, that the right to free speech is meant for exactly that kind of speech. After all, if only agreeable things are ever said, what use is that right?

    That said, physicians playing politics is disagreeable speech. If my physician ever engages in such disagreeable speech, I will use my power of free speech to tell him why it is unacceptable.

    Thanks for the blog and the soapbox.

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