March 28, 2025

Wow. Imagine stopping being a surgeon. It’s such a part of your life, your identity.

Due to many things, I will be closing my practice over the next few months and going to work for the Arkansas Disability Determination Services DDS. I only recently made the final interview and signed the contract. My first day there will be October 3rd. I don’t want to discuss the reasons, but I want you to know how difficult a decision this has been for me.

via Suture for a Living: Changes.

We’re lucky she shares what she does with us, and I hope someday she can tell us what happened, if only to give courage to other docs looking at a career transition.


Best of Luck, Dr. Bates!

2 thoughts on “Suture for a Living: Changes

  1. Best of Luck to Dr. Bates. Let us respect the decision to keep the reason in private but we all wish Dr. Bates the best. Thank for sharing this Gruntdoc. So true, it is difficult to leave your identity taht have for the longest time defined your life.

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