March 28, 2025

You cannot make this up.

While police and medics were clearing up that disaster, 27-year-old Matthew Mitchell attempted to navigate his Chevy Impala through the swirling sea of flashing lights of the fleet of police cruisers and ambulances on the scene. Unfortunately, he plowed into the life-flight chopper’s tail fin. (Damages to the chopper were minor and it was apparently able to whisk an injured woman to a local hospital.)

A DPS trooper on the scene quoted Mitchell thusly:

“Why was the helicopter flying so low?”

via East Texas DWI Mayhem Kills One, Injures Three, Damages MedEvac Chopper, Spawns Stupid Quote of Year – Houston News – Hair Balls.

Condolences to the family of the deceased.

via @Skepticscalpel on twitter.

2 thoughts on “Idiot quote of the Year

  1. The helicopter was NOT available to take the patient away. The plan had been for a dual medevac and the second helo was diverted to the scene in stead of the hospital LZ. The PHI helicopter which was struck was loaded onto a flatbed truck and hauled away. Last estimate I heard was $200,000 in repairs. Can’t wait to see how that goes over with Geico.

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