March 28, 2025

Do the Double, then leave it there.

It’s Time For Double Daylight Saving Time

Tonight, the clock shifts forward. Tomorrow, sunset moves from 6:07 p.m. to 7:08 p.m. But our work here is not done. If we really wanted to fill our lives with joy and save energy and money, if we really wanted to move beyond the fiction of our agrarian conception of time and into the modern world, we’d shift to year-round Daylight Saving Time–or, if we really wanted to embrace reality and maximize life, go to Double DST, a big, two-hour push forward of the clocks that would turn our summers into a marathon of gorgeous, endless evenings.

Here, adapted from my piece from this moment two years ago, is the argument for Double DST:

President Warren G. Harding didn’t like daylight saving time. If people want more daylight, he said, they should just wake up earlier.

via It’s Time For Double Daylight Saving Time – Raw Fisher.

Just think about the weirdness twice a year in payroll departments trying to keep track of this oddness. (Also, my EMR locks up on the fall-back, and that’s a problem).

2 thoughts on “It’s Time For Double Daylight Saving Time – Raw Fisher

  1. The author should travel to Escanaba or Marquette in the Michigan Upper Peninsula where the sun doesn’t rise until around 9:00 am plus thanks to DST-kids are out on the streets well before dawn on the way to school.

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